Thursday, January 31, 2013

Motorcycle to Algona

Sanity and insanity workouts this am, but I was a little slow in waking up. At school I made arrangements with other teachers to help me with Edco and Promethian board. Iowa Assessments first hour of school. One English student was gone, one student left before 4th hour, two students had doctor's appointments. I met Denny in Arthur at 4 and we headed to Algona with the motorcycle trailer. Called Jean on the way and made arrangements to go to Decorah with them tomorrow until Saturday night. That is if Katies cold is better. There is a trike in Okobogi... perhaps the right color. Denny bought me an outfit for my birthday. HD We ate Chinese in Algona. Really a nice date night. But right now we are headed right into the wind and it is bucking our truck pretty well. We should get home about 10:30. Much later than my regular bed time. But a great night. Pictures from Atlantic Fest

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