Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Meet at rec center

Sanity and insanity workouts. Iowa Assessment in am. Runner left right before my class. Took Ind Liv outside to experience 32 degree weather and how you should be wearing coat, hat and mittens. IEP at 2:30. Neil's dad died in DM. I was going to give Bailey and Logan a ride home, but Erin said she would. I got them 2 subs for supper. Then to rec center to meet Denny. I rode the bike 24 miles and walked with Denny 2 miles. All the 26.2 miles of running done. All the 2.4 miles of swimming done. 103 miles of biking done... only 11 miles to go and I have done an Ironman. I headed home and made a couple dips for after school, before going out to eat for tomorrow afternoon. Pictures from August 2002 We got a table and chairs for sun room with Molly. The car was full adn you can see from pictures in yesterdays post. Next pictures from Atlantic Fest. Matt running. Sisters with Mom. Matt and Becky. I miss mom so much.

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