Friday, January 4, 2013

Kids to school ... 2nd semester starts

Here we go. I am going to American history class this semester. Mrs. F always had a topic of news ready for Mr. N. We'll see if I can find anything news worthy. I have 5 classes I teach. Plus a study hall, and a prep period. After school I met Denny at hospital. We visited Paul L, then ate a the hospital cafeteria. I got groceries, At home Missy was finishing up meals for families at church. I had gotten York mints for the dessert. Pictures are of Becca and Raelyn. They were having fun at the wedding. It cracked me up the Kane sometimes stands with his head down by his feet. He does not go into a somersault, just stands there like the picture. What a cutie at the rec center and in our apartment!

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