Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Back at school

Sanity and Insanity. I took the road going north on Orchard and made it to school fine. Pretty regular day. One student left after second period. There was only one student in independent living 7th hour. It blew and snowed a little all day. Parent teacher conferences were called off for tonight. As I left IG Missy called and warned me that there were high drifts on Orchard so ... keep gunning the car through the drifts. It was good to have that head's up. I watched Grands while Missy and Phillip did chores. Denny had taken the bank car and not the pickup so it was good that Missy gave him the same heads up. We fixed homemade pizza for supper and went to bed early. Pictures are of The fodder that is being raised. The barley seed is soaked for 24 hours in a dark place, then put on the shelves where water is cycled through regularly. In 7 days the fodder is ready for animals to eat.

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