Saturday, March 16, 2013

Saint Joseph fun

Torren came in and got me up. Sad to say, I wasn't quite enough a wake and... I gave him my iphone to play games on. Upon doing so I promptly felt guilty. But didn't know how to rectify the situation. So I spent Quality Time watching him play and trying to carry on verbal communication with him while he was playing. We left for Upwards BB games at 8:15. First Torren played then Haley played. Fun to watch them. Home for sandwiches and naps. Becky went to ref a game about 2. When she got home Denny and I went for a walk with Torren and Haley. Then to take the big wardrobe from their bedroom to a friends house for storage so their home looks bigger as they put it on the market. The girls went shopping at Kohls and Penneys and Hyvee. At home we had Chili and guacamole. Nice visit again after kids in bed. :) Pictures are of the Grands and the great tent we made down in the basement.

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