Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Site visit and rec center

Sanity and insanity. To school later than usual, but still 20 minutes early. Oh, yes first hour student said he was sick and wanted to go home, His ride was out of town, and I decided not to call her and make sure she couldn't give him a ride. He did stay in school and make it the whole day. Come to find out he took his meds without eating anything. That would make me throw up too. One English student gone again and the runner wasn't there. AFter school there was a site meeting with DE with Sped teachers until 5. Visited with teachers afterward and then went to set up a time for an IEP. Next to rec center. Denny had walked 3 miles and was on the bicycle. At home we had soup and then decided to go to the coop to finish it. It was nice out there. Missy came out and siad ti was smokey. Yup, it was. Pictures are of Grands, Haley and Anabel were doing their fingernails and I didn't even get them in the picture. They all poked spagetti into hot dogs and we boiled both of them together. I saw the idea someplace and gave it a try. Went over pretty well.

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