Sunday, March 10, 2013

Did not make it home from Carroll

Showered and up to visit in Craig’s kitchen.  Had a cup of coffee as we waited to watch Scott on Westside Salvage.  Church at 8:30.  It always seems right to be there and see faces from my growing up years.   The circles had made quits to send to world relief and they were all lying across the backs of the pews, waiting for a blessing before they are sent out to others.  Pastor Matt commented and with an hour less of sleep, we could use them and do a little catch up of sleep if we wanted.  Nice sermon about Matt. 25- the goats and sheep separation.  After the service there was a brunch for Lenora.  The kids had a program and it was good to reflect about the influence Lenora and the church has had on our lives.  Gail, Bruce, Jean and I left about 12 for the drive home.  It has been raining as we travel.  Hopefully the freezing weather will hole off until we get home.  Denny was at a Church quarterly business meeting as we left to head home. Such a bummer. I chickened out after driving on icy roads and stopped at a house along the road. They are kind and gracious and gave me a bedroom. Pray that I can drive home tomorrow am safely. Lord, bless this family. Pictures are on Lenora Leistikow. She turned 100 on March 10, 2013. What an amazing woman.

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