Friday, March 1, 2013

It's good to have a good day!

Sanity and Insanity. Wish I could get down for Level one Down, Back, 4 push ups. 8 runs, back up back down, 4 push ups, 8 runs, back up, back down. You get it (or not) Any way I just do chair level push ups. My first hour student stayed in class. That's a good start to the day. It is sad that a student can color my day so much, but it does. Rest of the day was pretty nice. 2 English classes did gen ed reading assignments for American History. Killed 2 birds with one stone. English reading and steps toward passing American history. I left some school work at school because the two geography adn work=ld history books were too heavy. Got groceries for Independent living 5th hour. Got Pizza after school for supper for Denny and me. I went to the bank and read Tall Grass. Then to church for home school talent/sharing show. Nice night. So much to be thankful for. Did I say how happy I am to have the best finger nails of my life!!! I know ... how vain and self centered ... but I have always had crappy fingernails ... and I had them shellaxed 3 weeks ago ... and I have not bitten them since then ... and they have not broken off. and they are long for me. Thanks Mandy!!!!!!!!!! They were red today and my outfit was pink, but they were long. and I saw someone notice them. Never had that happen before, except when I have bitten my fingernails to the quick and the blood dripped off my fingers. As my students would say ... Just kidding. :( Pictures are of Home school talent. I didn't get a picture of Evann playing the piano, but I did get him walking back from playing the piano.

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