Thursday, February 28, 2013

It felt like 3 strikes

Sanity and 50% insanity. Before school I visited with a teacher with questions on attendance and grades of a student. Then I got a phone call from Kansas where a student (who was in IG in 2011) came in yesterday and wanted to go to classes. In first hour my student worked well fo 20 minutes and then walked out. That was the start of a long 8 hour day. One student got a headache and couldn't go to the next activity.... Just a long day. At 3:30 things picked up as the Grands came to visit while Missy and Phillip had an appointment. I met a homeschooler and mom at rec center and got my Iron Man orange t shirt. Home for a nap and to fix hamburger and corn for supper. Just want to go to bed... and so I am in bed typing at 7 pm. Pictures are of Mik >

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