Monday, February 18, 2013

Relaxing day as we get ready to reluctantly head home.

Up at 7 Denny fixed sausage, coffee and eggs, and Bruce fixed toast. Hendersons left to go work out. We walked the park and then went to the airport to get our boarding passes printed. Then back to clean and make sandwiches for the trip. We fixed salad, corn casserole and Bruce grilled Italian Sausage and shrimp for olunch. Spent a little time on the deck and playing chicken/railroad dominoes. They let us off at the airport at 4. It sounds like our flight is a little late. We made it to Houston just fine... but at Houston it was raining and so our flight didn't take off until 11:00. Got to Omaha after 1. Now drivng home. Great day in the Valley, but now we are out of the Valley :( Great time Pictures are of the deck, the dock, and the airport when we left. Thanks, Gail and Bruce for the great time!!!

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