Tuesday, February 12, 2013

finished my second ironman in 10 days :)

Sanity and Insanity … Full day … I brought Panera bagels to resource room. Gals really enjoyed them. Then shared some with Lauren and Dillan English class and 6 students in success. Susan shared about her family and tough love. After school I went to Malcoms and looked into ordering totes for HS families. Then to rec center and did last 4.2 miles on eliptical. Then to the motorcycle meeting to see Denny. Then to rec center to swim a mile. Then to home school meeting. I started home and called Denny. He wanted to leave his bank car in Arthur. I drove there and filled with gas. He met me at the bank and we drove home together in the jeep, leaving the bank car in Arthur. At home we had to make arrangements to have care for our livestock… The animals are not really our livestock because we don’t really like them, but we have the two cats in the garage. On Saturday Denny, Missy and kids cleaned garage of cat poop and sprayed it out. Now with us being gone for a few days, Denny is wanting to give the Grands a place to learn the value of work and a dollar … or the value of a dime. That is what he thought the going rate would be for using the scoop and removing the poop. He had three takers. The two older went out with him to have the job explained. The third also went to the garage .. but a step behind and so Brooks did not get in on the earning of the dime. He was quite insistent that he wanted to get a diamond, too. So Grandpa found a task for Brooks and he proudly went in to have his mom put his diamond in his jar for money. Pretty cute. Denny left 10 dimes for daily poop scooping and cat feeding. Then we headed down to pack and go to bed. I am pretty tickled that I completed by second iron man triathlon. In 10 days. 112 miles on bike … 26.2 miles running and 2..4 miles swimming ☺ Very tickled. Pictures

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