Saturday, February 2, 2013

Road trip to get our HD

Up and headed to the rec center. I biked 29 miles and watched a movie on family time. (bummer, I didn't stay until the end of it.. I am assuming happily ever after.) When I got home a neighbor girl asked to borrow a cup of flour. Then she came down to ask it there was a job she could do to earn treat money for skating party later today. So cute to have her vacuum. I know L&K really like their roomba ... but I could get real used to a soon to be 5 year old vacuumer. It was taller than her ... but she will grow and at $.25 a room it is a win win situation. Denny and I are headed to Algona to get the Harley, then to Okobogi to look at a trike. Pictures from Mandy's first day of school 2003. Luke was home and went in to wake her up for school. Got that pictures of first day of school of Mandy's senior year. Hurrah for the Honda!!! Lots of good miles and lots of good years :)

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