Sunday, February 10, 2013

donuts and one sweet grand during church

Sunday…Missy and 3 grands rode with us to church. Phillip is on his way back from Rochester/ Minneapolis. We ate the donuts at Sparkies. What a sweet time with Brooks during church. He just snuggled into Denny’s lap and then during the sermon he sat beside Denny and leaned on him, curled up and slept. So cute. After church a quick bite to eat. I went to Financial peace. Denny went to bank to work on LPS. I went to Rec center and ran/ biked for a while. Pictures are of Grands before SS. They sit and watch the praise band practice. Evan reads his Bible and has it lying across his lap. Brooks was so cute lying against Denny during church. The next pictures are from Anabel's birthday. Three kids with a card they had made and Anabel in her new princess dress.

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