Wednesday, March 6, 2013


Sanity and insanity. During sanity I noticed something pretty cool. I started last year writing down the names of family and friends as I pray for them. To day when I read the pages for March 6 I looked at the name of the people that I prayed for written in the corner of the page. Last year I prayed for Jim P. on one page. The next page I prayed for Stephanie P. The next page I had written Nathan P.'s name and prayed for him. The next page I put i the corner ... Future children of Stephanie and Jim P. Today ... one year later ... The Porters adopted 3 children. They have taken care of them in foster care for seven months. The parents had terminated their parental rights and Today they adopted the children I prayed for a year ago. Praise the Lord. Great way to start the day. Seeing God's hand in all we do. Regular day at school. My English student was not there. After school I headed to Odebolt for interview with Donna. Then remembered I had a hair cut in Wall Lake at 4:30. Then to Arthur for Awana.

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