Sunday, April 20, 2014

He is Risen Indeed!!!!

Great day!! I read one a day in bed looking out at the Mississippi.  Then out to run ... One church was having a sunrise service at 7 am when I went out to run,  I watched for a while then down the hill 4 blocks ....  and I ran along Old Man River.  Mandy called as I was running so I got to visit with her on Easter walking down by the river.  On the way back, I ran ??? up Snake Alley.  We went to Harmony Easter church service.  It was great.  Good music,  about 8 people got baptized., about 20 people shared thru cardboard signs how Christ has made a differnce in their lives.  We ate in Mount Pleasant.  Mexican.  Then to head home after a really nice weekend with Karen and Luke.  On the way the dinger went off saying we were low in gas.  A little stress finding a gas station in Ottomwa.  But we didn't run out.  :)  I really don't know how to use phone and yelp (it didn't work( to find a gas station and that lead to stress. At home Denny paid bills, Missy brought down leftovers, I finished taking notes on a book and to bed. Fun weekend!!

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