Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Home school testing

Up early and went to school to make sure all was okay for sub.  Testing went well in IG.  Four students in high school,  I ordered 2 tacos from Jim's and headed to SC.  Testing went well there too.  Then I headed to Staples and picked up the picture of Howard showing cattle as a boy in Chicago.  It turned out neat.  Then to David's bridal.  I think I found a dress that I like.  I got gas in Correctionville.  So happy to be driving the Prius again.  Gotta love that gas mileage.  I stopped at school to type up sub notes for tomorrw.  I had an hour before  dance class with Francie, so I ran the halls of the high school.  Matt called me and talked during part of that time.  Denny brought the CD to Francie.  We plan to work on a dance next week after our 8-9 class.  Denny had emails today.  
E-1, M -ISS
Pictures Kids like G'pa's sausage and bacon. Evan and Torren build a bridge over creek. Got stuck in the mud. Great exploring time.

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