Wednesday, April 6, 2016

Another day of HS testing

I Got A Fake Snake from Dad!!!!  Words from golden birthday 6 year old Brooks

I had stayed in bed until 7:30.   On the way to IG there was road construction,but I made it to testing just on time.  We got done about 12.   I gave Vicki a ride home.   She said the day went fine. Early out.  My team lost on trivia quiz. Shared. Level 4-6 OECD lesson plan.   The activity involved nuclear bomb shelter.  Listened to video on teaching.  Then to Wall Lake got haircut.  I missed the quick get together party for Brooks and Tori, but they did save me a couple pieces of pizza.  Third and fourth graders got to decorate their leader with string because they brought the most canned goods for the food pantry.   I visited with Sue after Awana.  Before going to sleep I thought about activity.  Lord, guide my words and intentions.  

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