Tuesday, April 19, 2016

Meet in am

At school by 7:15 for Supt. meeting.  Then to meet with principal about reward plans for 2-4 students.  Regular day at school.  One student is sick.  Did a probe down at Flex.  The weather is looking better for a track meet.  At least the sun is shining and there is not as much of a wind as yesterday.  The track meet starts at 4 with field events.  I watched part of it then met with Doug.  Yes, it would be okay with Long Live the King if I took flowers to the farmer's market and raised $ for renovation.   Denny was working on the concrete water area near the CSA barn.   We tried to get a fire going, but the wood was too wet.  We sat out by the fire pit for a while, then Denny went to work on Awana schedule and handout.  I planted 25 dahlias along the picket fence.  Susan gave me canna bulbs and hosta roots.


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