Thursday, April 14, 2016

New baby girl in Madison ....... Hope Hartwig Henderson ..... Praise!!!

Devotions in bed.  Made some lesson plan copies.  At 10:45 I headed to the doctor's office to get blood drawn for lab work.  Pretty much regular day, student was hurt ... not participate well in PE.  Problems with guitar challenge.   UFFTA.  Student absent from FCS class.  After school I visited Dose, but came home empty handed. I stayed at school until almost 7 working on the next couple of weeks of school.  Denny was working on a birthday present for Evan.  I helped Missy; while she decorated a cake,   I got baked potatoes ready.  Denny came over with the tractor and the loader and a bracket to attach a heavy BB hoop on the north wall of the shed.  This is a picture of Evan making his first basket.

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