Wednesday, April 13, 2016

Doctor Appointment

UpBefore heading to the doctor appointment, I cleaned the kitchen, put away tables from Monday night supper.  Took out some trash.  Put another layer of paint on the BB hoop for Evan's birthday.  The appointment went well.  I had an EKG, got a Pneumonia shot,  and set up more tests for later.   I was in the office for over an hour and a half, but the clinical NP was really good.  On the way to SC there was road construction past Correctionville.  While in SC, I visited with homeschool families.  On the way home I met Mandy along 59.  She was heading home, I was heading to Awana.  She shared some of her glacamole with me.  YUM!  Awana was a busy night.  There is only one regular night left, then Awards/pizza night.

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