Saturday, April 16, 2016

What will I do today?

Up and had devotions in the sunroom.  Looking forward to today.  In am, just was around the house.  Denny went to town and got the 4 gas containers filled.  I raked up some of the flower beds.  I should have put more roundup on weeds/grass because there are a lot of weeds and grass.   Denny grilled pork steak and fresh just picked asparagus.  I mowed the yard.   In the afternoon he cut down some trees along the creek, at least until he ran out of tordon. Oops, not a ducky good thing.  I ran the tiller around the rows of asparagus and around the flower beds in the yard.   Jensens were putting a window in the cob house. We went over to watch before we went to the HS play.  Nice day.  It was still in the 70's when we came home from town.

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