Wednesday, August 31, 2016

Picnic after church 1

Great day. Harmony church service was awesome.  Then we had a picnic  at a nearby park.  Great "Scotta Go" lunch. Headed home and stopped at Carroll for Walmart run.
Super weekend, Thanks Luke and Karen!!  Such a nice relaxing time.
Windmill on the way home in Howard's field.

Thank you Jesus. Great AWANA turn out!!

Full day
Make maid rites
Make salad
Make bars
Clean kitchen
Clean nasty sink
Pick flowers
Load car 
Set up at church

Tuesday, August 30, 2016

To Cherokee

Up early
Left for Cherokee at 9. Got there with her CSA box. It was fun to look at all the work that they have done.  We planted some lily bulbs and then I took a shower
Lunch in the park with Jan.   Then Mandy picked me up and we headed to SC. Lots of looking at Target hyvee home about 7.  Great day

Monday, August 29, 2016

Planted almost 100

Lilies.  They were so tiny.  Now I will see if they make it. I used the drill to dig holes
Picked CSA flowers and put them together washed s couple loads of clothes. Helped Phillip bag and harvest. The veggies look so good.  Roof guy came with an estimate. Uffta.  37-33 k
That takes funds for air conditioner repair 
Lord grant us wisdom

Saturday, August 27, 2016

Fun day in Burlington

Slept until 8.  Amazing.  Sister call. Gail is with Todd Julia and Hope.   Luke grilled a great breakfast on porch. So nice and relaxing.  Played board game in afternoon.  The walked to downtown establishments.  Great food and time to visit thank you Jesus for this growing family. So great to spend time with them

Friday, August 26, 2016

Burlington bound

Great day!!!  Heading to see Luke and Karen I was busy all day.  Did cize before 8:15. Denny had early physical therapy then outside for lily work.  I got the bed gone thru.  And sorted bulbs to share and mowed the lawn. And made pesto and cleaned up food processor and returned to Missy and washed bedding and made bed  and did another load and put clean clothes away and rototilled places for flowering almond. And baby lily plants. Uffta!!! Now we have been on the road for 5 hours. And almost to Luke and Karen's.  Yes!!!

Thursday, August 25, 2016

Farmers Market

Full day:
20 flowers
2 batches of buns= 5 packages
12 big brownies
3 coffee cakes
3 batches of pesto = 16  
Pack car
Kitchen a wreck
Bible study @1:30
FM 4-7
Home to visit with Missy and leave the mess to clean up until tomorrow. 

Wednesday, August 24, 2016

First day of school. Happy to be home

I put away stuff after the rained out picnic until about 11.   Then out to plant, divide, and relocate lilies until Denny came home from work.  We chilled on the deck then took AWANA sheets to Mary R.   Very funny picture in the paper.  They must be hurting for news.   Windmills are coming closer.

Tuesday, August 23, 2016

Home school picnic

FI have been praying for no rain. For the last 24 hours...  Thank you Jesus.  Thank you thank you Jesus
Rain started to fall at 8.  When we were finishing up our meeting.  Great turn out. Good weather 
In am I put flowers for CSA together.  Then planted chives at Jensrns. About10:30 I headed to Holstien to give Mandy her veggies. Kids played in a park
They loved it.  Tag with an empty 32 ounce pop bottle. When you are hit with bottle. You are it!
We stopped in IG to get 2 angels for succulent garden. And  I napped at home. Then wiped off tables CSA pickup and home school picnic.  Thank you, Jesus,  It did not ran until 8, almost after the picnic. 

Monday, August 22, 2016

Denny great checkup

I did not accomplish much today,  but the PA who saw Denny and his X-ray thought he was a rock star!!!   He had 7:30 physical therapy.   He got his staples out does not have to use immobilizer snd can take off stockings at night. Huge help

Sunday, August 21, 2016

Home after Omaha

Slept great.  Denny said the best since his surgery.  Jordan's place. A wonderful getaway. Coffee out on deck of loft.
Church at Westside HS.  Stopped at Trader Joes and home by 2.
I napped and Denny took out his new Apple.  We cleaned out the garage.  Glad to have that job done. 

Celebrate 43 years

Thanks Jensens for the gift certificate.
We had a great time at VMertz.  We were slow getting around in the morning.  We did not sleep well. Mandy ran a Moorehead race and stopped in before she showered at Jensens.  We left for Omaha about noon. First stop at the Apple Store where Denny got a laptop. Desktop. And some extras.  Then to Whitneys.  We looked around their place, chilled. Kathy and I looked at our wedding album. On the way to use gift certificate from Jensens we stopped at new church building.  What an answer to prayer! What a vision for the building!  Then we barely found a parking place and got to VMertz at 7.   We chose the taste meal.   A lovely 5 course meal with pairings.  It was so much fun to visit with Rory and Kathy. And to have waiters explain all the courses.  Left about 10,   We stayed at Jordan's place.  Very nice.

Friday, August 19, 2016

Laura to SL

Up and lots to do.  I did a short Cize before picking up Laura at 8:15.  She commented that she was glad I was not teaching or I would not be able to give her I ride.  I did not realize that it was the teachers first day until Phillip said Missy was at teacher orientation. I did a lot of work in flower garden.  I mowed behind the CSA shed.  I really like the light that comes in the west door.  And many times a cross wind keeps the building cool.  I moved the cattle panels and mowed behind the building.  I planted some peonies from the grill area where they did not get enough moisture.  Missy came from school and I visited while she pruned the kale.  When Denny got home we took the pickup to Kiron to get it fixed.  It was hurt in Cherokee Bomgaars parking lot.  We watched Olympics before heading to bed.

I came across these pictures when I was looking at our wedding album.
Miss our parents

Thursday, August 18, 2016

Full day. FM 43 years !!!!

Seems like I was going all day ... And loving all that God has given me.
Baked 6 coffee cakes before 8. Headed to IG. Supplies in IG, plus Doses. Cize workout, but it goes so fast I really can't follow it.    I'll keep on plugging along.  Got set for BS. At 12 I was picking up pizza to eat with Loziers in Arthur City park.  Home for BS.  GA , JP, SGx2,  :) then to FM. Nice night in the shade with a breeze.
Oh ya..: it is our 43rd anniversary.
Thank you Jesus. 

Wednesday, August 17, 2016

CSA delivery to Cherokee

I had onion buns ready to be made when I got up.  I like using the delayed timer start for the bread machine.  Jensens headed to SC this am.  Cize with a sore ankle.  I baked brownies and wrapped them for FM.   I wrapped and took Leah's present to her.  I picked up the order at Lewis Drug.  I water walked with Becky V and Bev Y.  Then to the hospital to watch the star patient do his Physical Therapy.  Way to go Denny.  Off I headed to Cherokee.  Mandy had ot gone to training.  She works Wed and Thursday nights, then off Friday, then works Sat and Sunday nights.  She said not to feel too sorry for her because she just got back last night from a 2 week vacation going to Italy and Scotland.  I came home at 4:30, only to find that the roof estimate guy did not show.  Naps and news, now headed out to put flowers together.  Nice day.
I got nice bday notes from my grands back in Feb

Tuesday, August 16, 2016

CSA Lisianthus

Denny did not sleep well last night.  I did Cize workout before 9.  I got the big weeds pulled out to the lily bed.   I put together flowers for CSA.  At 11 I loaded up wheel barrel to take to Darren to fix.  Laura went to water walk with me.  At home I started to chop up salad from last CSA.  I found a package of hog roast pork for supper.  Plus made eggplant with coating.  Jensen put up the lights in the kitchen.  It looks so great,  And Grands counted Denny's staples.  :)

Monday, August 15, 2016

Start BB make Denny laugh ... me too.

I did cleaning up around the place before Denny went to work.  I even straightened out my pile of shoes.  Uffta!! Picked Lisianthus.  Makes me smile  They are so pretty and they are blooming.  I was so dubious when I put the plugs in the ground on June 1, but lots of them have made it.  HURRAH!!  I took off the wheel barrel tires. That was a job!  And dropped them off at Mile 2. I swam laps with the breast stroke for 40 minutes. Nice visit with Linda B at the library.  At home I mowed the lawn.  Phillip jump started the mower for me after he helped me move some plywood.  Denny made it all day working.  I stir fried for supper.  Grands came over to watch Olympics.   I got signed up for BB. And did a workout.

Sunday, August 14, 2016

Denny home

We headed for donuts, but Denny realized he needed to take tramidol so I took him back home.  I took flowers for  J&W Olsons 60th anniversary. And Shower for Leah in Missy's SS class
At home I lay in bed all afternoon.  Mark came and did work in basement Windows 
I went to prayer time at church

Saturday, August 13, 2016

lots of weeding ... still lots to do

Let's see,  only one day away,but I don't remember what went on.  Denny worked in Odebolt in am.  I took basket to missy as she went to SL. Mark came to work on Windows. I finished weeding triangle garden and made Olson flowers. I planted several peone plants. Chilled with Mark on front table.  Chilled with Phillip out by CSA barn and then came in and slept during Olympics

Friday, August 12, 2016

Susan brought supper. Thanks!!!

Jensens are headed to Adventureland with Bible instruction youth.  We picked up Grands at 7 and took Gpa into PT.  the 4 of us are in the pretty park by Godberson classic cars. Then to purple park, city hall, bank, get Gpa, to Arthur, to IG, to Arthur, at home about 10. Went to pull weeds. Lots and lots of weeds  we ate out under the Maple, kids helped Gpa clean. I pulled more and more weeds. So thankful for the 2 inch rain yesterday. Or last night.  About 6 goodenows came. First Marshall,Nadia, and Pasho. Then Susan and Gordon brought supper. Great food.  Great visit

Thursday, August 11, 2016

To SC with Missy

Up at 5:20
Lots to do. Clean kitchen, devotions, walk out to CSA barn, get tub for baked goods, shower, send Ipers,  dry and curl hair,
Why did I wait to load car with flowers until after it was pouring down rain???
Why did I bother to dry and curl hair???
I did not melt,  left flowers at Goldsmiths 
In SC by 8:45
Missy got pretty much in and out with her appointments. Then shopping we went. we got lots done.  We did about 20 minutes in most stores.  Back to IG. 
Pictures from remers and Jensens at Lakeview