Wednesday, August 17, 2016

CSA delivery to Cherokee

I had onion buns ready to be made when I got up.  I like using the delayed timer start for the bread machine.  Jensens headed to SC this am.  Cize with a sore ankle.  I baked brownies and wrapped them for FM.   I wrapped and took Leah's present to her.  I picked up the order at Lewis Drug.  I water walked with Becky V and Bev Y.  Then to the hospital to watch the star patient do his Physical Therapy.  Way to go Denny.  Off I headed to Cherokee.  Mandy had ot gone to training.  She works Wed and Thursday nights, then off Friday, then works Sat and Sunday nights.  She said not to feel too sorry for her because she just got back last night from a 2 week vacation going to Italy and Scotland.  I came home at 4:30, only to find that the roof estimate guy did not show.  Naps and news, now headed out to put flowers together.  Nice day.
I got nice bday notes from my grands back in Feb

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