Sunday, August 21, 2016

Celebrate 43 years

Thanks Jensens for the gift certificate.
We had a great time at VMertz.  We were slow getting around in the morning.  We did not sleep well. Mandy ran a Moorehead race and stopped in before she showered at Jensens.  We left for Omaha about noon. First stop at the Apple Store where Denny got a laptop. Desktop. And some extras.  Then to Whitneys.  We looked around their place, chilled. Kathy and I looked at our wedding album. On the way to use gift certificate from Jensens we stopped at new church building.  What an answer to prayer! What a vision for the building!  Then we barely found a parking place and got to VMertz at 7.   We chose the taste meal.   A lovely 5 course meal with pairings.  It was so much fun to visit with Rory and Kathy. And to have waiters explain all the courses.  Left about 10,   We stayed at Jordan's place.  Very nice.

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