Monday, August 15, 2016

Start BB make Denny laugh ... me too.

I did cleaning up around the place before Denny went to work.  I even straightened out my pile of shoes.  Uffta!! Picked Lisianthus.  Makes me smile  They are so pretty and they are blooming.  I was so dubious when I put the plugs in the ground on June 1, but lots of them have made it.  HURRAH!!  I took off the wheel barrel tires. That was a job!  And dropped them off at Mile 2. I swam laps with the breast stroke for 40 minutes. Nice visit with Linda B at the library.  At home I mowed the lawn.  Phillip jump started the mower for me after he helped me move some plywood.  Denny made it all day working.  I stir fried for supper.  Grands came over to watch Olympics.   I got signed up for BB. And did a workout.

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