Thursday, August 4, 2016

Home again Home again ... never take the simple route

Up at 5.  Put Coffee cakes in baggies.  Went out to CSA and made 12 bouquets for Farmer's Market.  Out to check the 2 pens of pigs, Over to Jensens to feed the kitties.  Made tomato basket for the nurse that Denny had yesterday and today.  Loaded the Prius to go to FM. Got the pickup out of   machine shed, showered,  dried hair AND headed to SC by 8:35  Uffta! I went to Pella Window and picked up the 2 egress windows that we had ordered.  I talked to Denny and he wanted me to get finishing material for around the windows, inside and out at Home Depot.  Instead of 10 foot vinal, they only had 12 foot.  Double uffta!! How do I get them to stay in a 5 foot pickup bed with 2 expensive windows in it.  I drove about 15 miles per hour thru the detour from Gordon Drive to Dakota Dunes.  And, of course, on the intersection to Gordon Drive the car in front of me stalled.  I stopped and checked on the back extension... and for the next 15-20 minutes many cars and big trucks kept the lane to my right full so I could not get out from behind of the stalled car. Finally one kind soul let me in and off I went at 10 miles per hour for the 10 miles to Dakota Dunes ... constantly looking in the rear view mirror.  That long extension just a swaying and bouncing up and down.  Thank you Jesus I made it.  I got Denny loaded up after about an hour.  And as we were approaching the on ramp to I29 he wanted to stop and add another sinch down cord over the windows.  I missed the turn; the only place to stop was along  ... the on ramp.  Not a good choice. Make it Triple Uffta!!! Long story Short  We made it home.  :)  Bible study was meeting there.  I got Denny situated and sat and had a cup of coffee with 4 gals.  Then to FM.  After I got home Jensens came over.  Oh, did the Grands have lots to talk about.  Such a great vacation.  We looked at photos on the TV.  Thank you, Jesus, Denny is home and on the way to recovery.

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