Wednesday, August 10, 2016

Took Keelie to the vet

Denny's physical therapy was at 7:45.  Keelies appointment at 9:15.  We walked the streets of IG before heading to the vet.  We were home by 9:30.  I went out to pick flowers for FM.  Anabel came to help me.  It was so great!!  Then  Matt texted me wanting to know if I could visit down there for a week Oct 31- Nov. 6.  Both of them are going to be out of town for work.  Sweet.  So nice to be able to help. #notteachinghappiness
I went to hear Peggy Mc
Then home to put together flowers Ina dark CSA barn.  Tried to move table close to door
Broke table leg. Uffta!!!

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