Tuesday, August 9, 2016

Didn't get much done

There was dough for me to make into onion buns this am, but they didn't turn out as well as they usually do.  two batches   Grands liked them and ate them even if they didn't look the best.  I put together flowers for CSA and tried to decide where to put the peonies and other plants.  I did plant the dahlias in a row.  I mowed the lawn before lunch.  Denny changed his haircut so I took him in at 1.  Then back home.  Didn't get a nap,  got supper ready.  Potatoes with lemon butter and parmesan.  Sliced tomatoes.  I made poppers for CSA tasting.  We had Jensens over for supper and to watch the Olympics.  Fun to watch.

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