Monday, September 26, 2016

At home

After Denny left for work,  Keelie and I went 2.8 miles.  She was so happy.   I have decided to accept the wind turbines.  I plan to consider them angels.  We have named the south turbine, Howard.  He is watching over us.  It was encouraging that the song that played as I walked was "Angels". It looks like  they have up stretched arms asking God to work in our land.
I consider them a cloud of witness.  As I ran / (trudged) with perseverance, I was encouraged.

Hebrews 12:1New International Version (NIV)

12 Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses,  ... let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us,

When I went past Charlie's place, he had lots of Monarch butterflies.  So cool, I wish they would come visit us a mile up the road.  After I got back, I worked on planting tiny lily bulbs.  At 12.45 I took Jeep in for the free oil change I won playing golf with Pete Goldsmith.  At home I mowed the lawn.  Denny came home and we chilled after work.  Then we had soup for supper.  Missy came over and ordered the snapfish book and canvas.   We listened to debates.  Uffta!!!

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