Tuesday, September 6, 2016


Wow I was in bed until 7.  After Denny left for work I watched a couple tutorials on apple photos. About 10 I headed out to the weed patch, I worked outside until after 4. Yes, lots of weeds.  Gave some plants miracle grow to keep them hopefully producing until the end of September.   And beyond.   I planted all the surprise lilies, planted more lilies in the triangle by the hibiscus, rototilled all the rows south of coop,  started a fire to burn trash in the fire pit, planted chives south of feed shed, and worked on step area, tilled around flower beds. And drank a lot of orange cinnamon tea.   I made eggplant for taste test for CSA.  My hopes were to have house cleaned up before CSA, but I just kept working outside, so the house is still a pit.  At 7 I got a few groceries and went to homeschool meeting.  Denny was watching Grands so I went to relieve him when I got home from IG. Jensens had a meeting for HS youth Wed. night planning.

Uffta!! I couldn't find gmail on the new desktop computer, so I looked for an email from Missy on my phone.  I must have hit something, but all of the sudden my phone started talking like Laura's  Loud, fast and obnoxious.  I couldn't get it to stop, so I shut the phone off, hoping the  voice would be gone when I started it up again.  Then when I entered to keypad to unlock the screen, it did not take my password.  Uffta!! Hopefully wonder man will be able to solve the problem before I head to St Joe tomorrow am.  How can I wreck things so easily???

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