Saturday, September 3, 2016

Wedding of Kayla and Chad

Beautiful wedding.  It was outdoors at their house.  People sat on planks and bales. The wedding party came from the back of the acreage and walked by a pond that they had put in a couple years ago.  The reception was in a town south of Dyersville.  We left about  11 from home and were able to check into the Dyersville motel and quickly put on our wedding clothes.    Highway 20 really zooms thru Iowa.  Denny worked on our 4-H camp resume as we drove across Iowa.   It was fun to see Keith and Val's family at the wedding.   Nice to visit with Paul and Nancy during the meal.  
I had gotten up early and planted basil in the row that I mowed and tilled last night.  Then I planted some flowering almond bushes. Not a good idea to use the spade to make the holes larger because when I used the spade I could tell I did something to my lower back.  and it hurt all night.  Denny and I were quite the couple ... a bum knee and a bum back.   I really hurt.  It sure kept me from tossing and turning in bed.  Lie still ...  and I won't hurt so much.  Bummer that I had to make a couple of rr trips. Ouch.  

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