Friday, January 6, 2017

Avacado treat

Walked 5 miles this am with Gail and Terry.  At 9:30 Nancy and I left for Port Isabel, She went to choir practice and I went to the cold windy blustery beach.  I saw one other fool walking my direction and 2 crazys along the beach in the distance when I turned around.  I walked 2 miles and then picked up Nancy and we went for groceries.  On the beach I walked where the waves had packed sand.  Every once in a while the wave would head my direction and I would barely scoot out of the way.  I walked with my head down, because of the wind and cold.  I was kicking something bright pick that had washed up to the beach ... all of the sudden a wave was upon me.   I was up to my ankles in water.  UFFTA!!  This was not a good day to have wet feet, but it really wasn't that bad. At home I went to visit the park garage sale after a hot bath. (And the hot bath felt great.)  There were no treasures in the community building that I could not live without . On the way back I saw a dumpster diver.  Yes, Bruce  dropped the key fob into the wastebasket and tossed the bag in the dumpster.  Gail and I shopped and I got a garlic press.  Temperature has really dropped.  The night was perfect with guacamole ... make that not quite perfect because Denny was not here.   Watched TV tonight.

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