Monday, January 16, 2017

Martin Luther King day

What else do you do, but go to Texas Thrift at 5:30 am for half price at MLK day?    Kinda have no life, but Gail and I were up and so we went.  i mixed up onion and Dill buns.  Went to food pantry and sorted clothes.  9 o'clock something like bocchi ball.  then pickle ball.  Home to fry up leftover potatoes from Sunday brunch with Nathan's hot dogs.  Baked the buns.   Back to shop with Jan and Dave.  I got this cute ruffle and lace thing.   Kids were walking to g'pa's for lunch.  I swam for an hour and then visited with Missy and Denny.  So icey there, so great (tho' windy) here.  We ate at the potluck and then I played dominoes.

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