Wednesday, February 28, 2018

Denny- 30 miles

I went to play pool at 9.  When I got back Denny was talking to Laurie about airbnb.  He went to bike 30 miles and I went to read out in the sun.   I played ticket to ride with family before the great fajita meal at 5.  We went to Reals and visited until 8.  Great day in the Valley!

Tuesday, February 27, 2018

Easy going day

I was in bed until Missy called on her way to school.  At 8:30 pickleball.  I rode with Gail to get shelves.  I got a bathtub mat.  Nancy was doing some alcohol painting and so I made 3 aqua tiles.  I read in the sun.  DeEsther came and wanted help/ideas to clean her dusty silk flowers.  Nancy and I looked up solutions on the web and went to work.  She was so happy to get it done.  Wonderful meal on the deck.  Lemon pepper tilapia, wild rice, broccoli, Texas toast and guacomole.  Denny worked on resumes spreadsheet for search committee and washed the Prius and his bike.    92 year old Gloria ... I could be so lucky!!!  What a sweetie!

Monday, February 26, 2018

Bye, Bye Minn Johnsons!!

Breakfast on the deck.  Pickleball in the warm soft rain at 8:30.  It was a perfect slow July/Iowa rain which farmers' really love.  We walked down to Gloria's for coffee.  She was thrilled, In 2011 Luke had stopped for coffee and told Jack and Gloria he was going to propose to Karen on the deck.  They were one of the first to know/ and see the pretty ring.  We stopped at C&C for wings before heading to the airport.  Their plane left about 3:30.  We went home and took a nap. It was so good to have them here.  Pot luck at 6.  Gail, Bruce and I played pool afterward.  Denny looked at profiles for search committee.

Sunday, February 25, 2018

Happy birthday to me!!

Very fun   Very full day!!
Last night Bruce had locked the door and so we had to call them and have them open the door before we could go to bed.  This am Rose and I "Strolled" around the park until it was time to get ready for 10:30 church.  After church we went to Progresso.  Great meal at Angels.  We had beef fajiti wit mushrooms for 2.  Karen had an amazing Progresso shrimp.  We shopped, Denny got a haircut and his shoes shined.  Karen and Rose got Mexican blouses, Luke got Mexican cheese.  We just made it home by 5.  That was when we had invited Nancy, Gail, Bruce, Kathy, and Bill over for supper.  Denny grilled pork chops, Nancy used the blender, Gail made cake, Kathy made coleslaw and brought watermelon.  Trivia was at 7.  Our team lost.  I invited everyone at trivia down to our place for cake and Ice cream.  About 20 came.  Biggest birthday party for me.  The deck was beautiful, and food and family was great.

Saturday, February 24, 2018

Just at 4 Seasons

Coffee and donuts at 9.  Then pickleball.  Rose and G'pa left early and napped on the deck.  Nice time for a siesta.  Karen and Luke went on the kyaks.  We all went swimming and Luke and Karen played shuffle board.  Naps in the afternoon.  We all relaxed and watched Rose out on the deck.   It was so cute.  She just tooled around pushing the baby walker.   Mostly heading for steps off the deck or steps down by the car.  She kept us moving just blocking stairways.   Luke and Karen  went out to eat for their anniversary at Maderia.  We watched Netflicks while baby Rose slept.   Missy watched Jack today.  Much love all day.

Friday, February 23, 2018

South Padre revisited

Great day!!!!  Denny fixed an awesome breakfast on the deck.  He got up pretty early and had the food ready.  BUT  Rose was nice and snuggly so Denny sat and snuggled while the food stayed warm in the grill in the copper pans for over an hour.  You got to catch the snuggles when they are available.   We left about 10:30 to head to the aqua center where there are a lot of trails.   Denny rode the bike 15 miles, Luke ran 5 and the girls "strolled" 3 miles.  Rose slept for about an hour while we walked.  Then off to the island, we ate lunch at Joe's Oyster bar at 2.  Next a walk on the beach where Luke and Karen were married 6 years ago.   We stopped at SPI and had a plate of fried dill pickles, onion rings and crab stuffed mushrooms.  Tonight the hot tub was hot.  So nice to sit and visit.  This is so nice to have them here.  I think the sunflowers sprouted when they were in the warm spot on top of the refrigerator.  It has only been a couple of days.

Thursday, February 22, 2018

Rose is here!!

Wonderful slow morning.  We left about 1 to go to Harlingen to pick up Luke, Karen and Rose.  We watched 2 episodes of Ann with an E while we waited.  We ate at La Playa in Haringen.  Who wouldn't like deep fat fried avocados???  When we got back to 4 Seasons Rose really liked the push toy that Missy suggested that we get for her.  So cute to watch her.  Oh, dear, when we went to the tub it was not hot. 

Wednesday, February 21, 2018

New Floor

I got up, set the table outside for 9 ladies for lunch on the deck, and read my devotions.  Denny and I started to move Nancy's stuff out of her room.  The flooring installation team came about 8:40 and wee done about 12:30.  The floor looks really nice.  I played pool from 9-11.   We sat on the deck and visited before eating.  Mary Kay, Cheryl, Nel, Nancy, me Paukerette, Karen, Mert, and Jan. Nice bunch.  Denny and I took some supplies to Home Depot to return.  We moved things back to Nancy's room.  I took a short nap.  Afterward we went to Terri's to help her with Alexis.  Then we stopped at Audrey's for a tour.   

Tuesday, February 20, 2018

Ladies lunch

Up for devotions. Pickle ball at 8:30.   Ladies lunch at 11.  Nancy and I ate with about 20 others from the park at Cheddars.  Denny biked 25 miles while we were gone.  Read and nap in afternoon.  Bill and Kathy came over for guacamole on the deck about sunset.  Nice visit.

Monday Feb. 19 Full day!!

Denny was up early to make breakfast for the group of 7 at 7:30.  We had to get done eating before pickle ball at 8:15.  After pickle ball about 45 people from the park went on a tour/history lesson at Sabal Palms, an Audobon bird sanctuary and historic house.  Picture of the Mexican "fence" not wall.  When we got home we ate leftovers that we pulled out of our full refrigerator.  Good to get some of the good food gone.  We got a call setting up the flooring installation on Wednesday.  Lord, grant wisdom how to work around Ladie's pool lunch.  Naps and then off to CC wings for karioke and chicken wings.  Wonderful Face time with Jensens at night.   Denny and I watched Ann with an E in bed.   I think I planted some sunflower seeds at night. 

Sunday, February 18, 2018

Scramble Golf

Nice slow am.  Actually I was up during the night and wrote a note to Choya and Steve.  Before church I hit a few balls into the rasaca ... The drives went to the left. When I played golf this afternoon my drives went to the left.  Go Figure!!!  It was fun playing in the scramble from 12:30-5.   Basically, Gail carried the 3 of us on 13 out of the 18 holes.  she can really hit a ball.   Then there was food at Gail and Bruce's. At 7 we went to trivia.  I am awful at it, but it still is fun.   We visited with Linda and Larry next door.  Denny  was busy making breakfast for tomorrow at 7:15. 

Saturday, February 17, 2018

Everyone in clinic is coughing!!

Mandy called while we were still in bed.  She was on her way to Saturday morning work.  Good to hear that she would have probably given me the same Z antibiotic that Gail got in Mexico.  But she said a trip to the clinic would be good to have a second antibiotic.  The sisters made a group phone call.  Denny went for the park wonderful breakfast,  I stopped for coffee with Denny before heading to the clinic.  I returned about 3 hours later.  $46 at CVS.  2 shots, 1 liquid cough medicine, 3 antibiotics.    I had to make a schedule to get all the meds at the right time.

Friday, February 16, 2018

Clean out outside shed

I fixed  toast and spread on an avocado for breakfast after I had slept in.  Denny and I started to move out some of the stuff from the shed.  He is putting up a ladder to hang our clothes while Rose uses our closet for a bedroom.  Nancy and I went to Port Isabelle.  I walked the beach while she was at choir.  It was really hazy, I could hardly see the beach as I approached it.  At Walmart I got a 16x20 picture of our family for the bedroom.  Denny had cleaned out and reloaded shed when we got back.  At 6, we had a great meal of grilled beef roll ups, vegetable kabobs, Texas toast and salad.  It was wonderful on the deck with music playing thru Denny's speaker.   Denny had search committee meeting via phone.  I laid down in bedroom and when I coughed the phone picked it up.  Uffta!! Denny said the speakers were sensitive, They really are Uffta!!  Guess it was a little comic relief.  I really thought I went a long time without coughing ,,, and then ... oh .... my ...  Sorry!!!  To the clinic tomorrow. 

Thursday, February 15, 2018

Hurrah a new door

Denny had laid out all the fixing for his breakfast with Cheryl and Mert at 9.  It was amazing, plus banana muffins and pineapple and grapes.  I went with G&B to Progresso where she got the remaining dental work done.  Uffta!!  Not fun to sit in Dentist chair for 2 hours.  I got my hair cut by Letty and bought some stuff for grandkids.  We didn't stop for lunch.  When we got home Denny had just unloaded his Prius full of floor wood and our new screen door.  He spent the rest of the evening putting in the "Oops free" installation door.  We walked to the hot tub after dark.  Beautiful evening.

Fix great breakfast on the deck
Enjoy coffee on the deck
Acquire door and wood for floor at Home Depot.  4 hours
Hot tub in the evening
Great day in the Valley

Wednesday, February 14, 2018

Happy Valentine's Day!!

The cold still persists.   But the weather cold made a change.  In the afternoon it was sunny and I finished my long book.  The Long Rifle by White.  It was good.  It was long, Someone had put it in the return box at the park library so I thought Why not?  Denny cleaned the upholstery in the Prius.  At 5 we went to the Valentines' dinner.  Very nice. The dance was at 7 and Denny was a big winner.  He won a rose vase  AND his named was drawn for 50/50; he won $37.  We were sitting by Joe who works with wood, they were talking about the antique pepper grinder that he makes.  I talked Denny into spending some of his winnings, afterwards we went to their place and picked out one.  I think Denny is counting every day as a W, so I am stopping putting that rating from now on.

Tuesday, February 13, 2018

Another W

I decided to treat my 10 day old cold somehow differently.  I was feeling pretty bad because I had been taking dayquill and nitequill about 24/7.  I had not taken anything since 9 pm and I was feeling rough.  Gail had some Mexican azitromicina,   My nurse practitioner said I might need antibiotics.  So anything goes.   Plus sliced onions in socks, Vicks Vapor rub, orange juice, Tylenol Cold Max, and Airborne in hot water.  I am tired of feeling sick!!! I was in jammies most of the day.  About 3 we went to CVS.  At 5:00 was the gumbo Marti Gra supper.  It was really good.  Chill at home with medicine and Olympics. I want to feel better. We facetimed with Anabel on her way to gymnastics. 

Fixed Breakfast on grill
Listened to Awana podcasts

Monday, February 12, 2018

Rose is 1!!!!!!!

What a sweetie!!!  AND what joy she has brought to our lives.  Looking forward to her trip to Texas.
We got up and went to pickle ball at 8:30.   At 10 Gail, Jeanne, Connie and I went thrifting.  I got a push toy for Rose and windbreaker jacket for Denny.  Nancy fixed spaghetti and I fixed corn casserole for potluck.  I stayed to play ponytail afterwards.  

clean the car
Took the brush and tree limbs out to the curb.
Wiped the floors, vacuumed, dusted
So it was a   W

Sunday, February 11, 2018

My what a gray cold day!!

It was a slow am.  Denny made bacon and we ate it out on the deck.  After church we went to a Mexican restaurant for Breakfast.  Interesting.... The owner called in a waitress who spoke English.  Lots of laughs.  All of these couples knew mom and some of them knew Dad, too.   Floyd and Sue Bennett, 30 yrs, Gloria Lamey 37 years  and John, Peggy and Dick Jeffrey 12 years,  Gladys and Arnold  15-16 years since 2001, Wayne and Kay M. 22 years ... since 1996. I read and napped in the afternoon.  Nancy fixed salad and sausage and crackers for supper. We talked to Missy as she drove home from Savannah.  Later we facetimed with Jack and family.  Now that was fun, too.  I was on a good team for trivia.  Too bad I don't add more correct answers to the contest, but oh, well, it is okay.  Nancy gave me the 50 cents to enter.  Our team members each got back $1.55