Friday, February 9, 2018

Another gray day

Slow to get up.  Denny fixed bacon, eggs and cheese for us for breakfast.  I think Denny is happy when Nancy and I go to Port Isabelle for her choir practice.  He can clean unhindered.  I went to Walmart and ordered 2 family pictures and new bike tires and tubes.  I don't know if it makes sense to get $52 of tires when the bike is not worth that much, but bless his heart, Denny put on my new bike tires.  We had our picture taken for the park book.  After the park players got back from golf, we invited Gail, Bruce, Jeanne and Connie for guac. and pico.  Great to be out on the deck enjoying the weather. Olympics and cold medicine later.  Missy and Grands went to Savannah, Phillip went to Le Brie in Rochester, Minn.  So fun to see kids together.

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