Sunday, February 11, 2018

My what a gray cold day!!

It was a slow am.  Denny made bacon and we ate it out on the deck.  After church we went to a Mexican restaurant for Breakfast.  Interesting.... The owner called in a waitress who spoke English.  Lots of laughs.  All of these couples knew mom and some of them knew Dad, too.   Floyd and Sue Bennett, 30 yrs, Gloria Lamey 37 years  and John, Peggy and Dick Jeffrey 12 years,  Gladys and Arnold  15-16 years since 2001, Wayne and Kay M. 22 years ... since 1996. I read and napped in the afternoon.  Nancy fixed salad and sausage and crackers for supper. We talked to Missy as she drove home from Savannah.  Later we facetimed with Jack and family.  Now that was fun, too.  I was on a good team for trivia.  Too bad I don't add more correct answers to the contest, but oh, well, it is okay.  Nancy gave me the 50 cents to enter.  Our team members each got back $1.55

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