Sunday, February 25, 2018

Happy birthday to me!!

Very fun   Very full day!!
Last night Bruce had locked the door and so we had to call them and have them open the door before we could go to bed.  This am Rose and I "Strolled" around the park until it was time to get ready for 10:30 church.  After church we went to Progresso.  Great meal at Angels.  We had beef fajiti wit mushrooms for 2.  Karen had an amazing Progresso shrimp.  We shopped, Denny got a haircut and his shoes shined.  Karen and Rose got Mexican blouses, Luke got Mexican cheese.  We just made it home by 5.  That was when we had invited Nancy, Gail, Bruce, Kathy, and Bill over for supper.  Denny grilled pork chops, Nancy used the blender, Gail made cake, Kathy made coleslaw and brought watermelon.  Trivia was at 7.  Our team lost.  I invited everyone at trivia down to our place for cake and Ice cream.  About 20 came.  Biggest birthday party for me.  The deck was beautiful, and food and family was great.

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