Friday, February 2, 2018

Is it Saturday?? ... no Friday

I got up and had my devotions Then back to sleep until 7:30.  Nancy and I headed to Port Isabel at 9:30.  The guy from Home Depot came to measure for new flooring in the bedrooms. Now we have to decide what to do.  We were starved after getting groceries, but didn't eat until 2.  Hurrah!!  Denny found my glasses outside on the deck under some leaves that had blown on the deck floor.  I stopped by Smiley's.  Jim is doing well; he stayed in the hospital last night.  We went with Gail and Bruce to the dance at Fun n Sun.  Wayne, Kay, Brian, and Wendy were headed there, but they were in a car accident where they were hit from behind and ran into the car in  front of them.  Lord, please continue to be with them and give the doctors wisdom.  Missy sent pictures of Anabel's 10th birthday Chop off.  So cute and fun!!!


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