Wednesday, February 14, 2018

Happy Valentine's Day!!

The cold still persists.   But the weather cold made a change.  In the afternoon it was sunny and I finished my long book.  The Long Rifle by White.  It was good.  It was long, Someone had put it in the return box at the park library so I thought Why not?  Denny cleaned the upholstery in the Prius.  At 5 we went to the Valentines' dinner.  Very nice. The dance was at 7 and Denny was a big winner.  He won a rose vase  AND his named was drawn for 50/50; he won $37.  We were sitting by Joe who works with wood, they were talking about the antique pepper grinder that he makes.  I talked Denny into spending some of his winnings, afterwards we went to their place and picked out one.  I think Denny is counting every day as a W, so I am stopping putting that rating from now on.

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