Friday, November 30, 2018

Doctor appointment

Up after being awake and lying in bed.  I headed into town for my wellness check up, flu shoot and blood draw.  Everything looked pretty good.  118/68.  I asked about shots I have had and they had the same list as the school: Hepatitus B  After the doctor checkup I drove to Lundell manufacturing in Odebolt for home school field trip.  Then home for lunch.   Denny laughed at me because I was so tired when he answered me I just stared at him blankly.  3 times he talked to me and I just stared at him blankly.  Uffta!  We headed to Cherokee and stopped to get Jack at the day care.  It was early, but he was awake after his nap.  Mandy was studying in their basement, so we played upstairs and outside when we went with Jack to get the mail.  They left for a dueling piano at the CC and we had fun watching Jack and putting him to bed.    Laughter at Piper placing a slobbery-wet-lick-kiss on Jack and parents being appalled and cracking up. 


In the morning I called Heidi to deliver gifts for Jensen cousins.  Denny headed to a search committee meeting and I went to Storm Lake.  Boy, was I glad I went to visit Rolands.   When I asked she said James was going to N. the end of March for a couple weeks.  So I am hoping to go along.  At home I looked at the endless job of looking at vcr tapes and thought maybe I would just pack them up.  I went to study at Ginny's and then to the Emporium to set the table for 17 for home school Christmas dinner next Tuesday night.  After a bite to eat I headed out and cleaned CSA Hurrah!!!  I got the place straightened out.  It looks so much better.  Denny went to the basement and cleaned the airbnb  Hurrah!!

Wednesday, November 28, 2018

Cold day

Jack threw up at about 3.  Mandy thought it was just from the antibiotic that he is taking for ear ache, so I didn't go up to Cherokee today.  I sat in front of the video screen most of the day reliving days of raising kids.  Denny went into IG for a haircut and to get new tires for the truck.  I made a couple meals for Schrams and took them when I went to Awana.
Thank you , Jesus for the willing leaders for Awana.  Bless Them!!!  Gotta Love Judy S.!!!

Tuesday, November 27, 2018

At home

Coffee and devo in sunroom.  Good to be home.  OGT at 7:15.  I filled with gas and then headed home.  Denny washed the pickup and brought it in the garage to warm up and shine.  I sorted table linens and got homeschool Christmas plates/linens ready to take to Arthur.   We put a ladder in garage and went up and got some old VHS tapes down.  It was fun to look at them with my white tv that plays VHS tapes (a limited commodity, there are not many VCR players.)  Nice pictures with Rose.  Renae is featured on OABCIG school district site.   Hurrah, Renea!!!!!

Monday, November 26, 2018

Heading home???

Matt brought in coffee again this am.    What a treat!   Tho' yesterday I spilt it.  Uffta.bummer!  The snow has stopped, now we need to decide if and when we can safely drive home.   After driving to get gas, Denny decided it was a go.  We left Matt's home about 11:30 and stopped to tighten ropes on carpetball tables after driving 5 miles.  Lord, grant us safety and wisdom as we travel.  It was slow go.  and on the way to Interstate 29 the battery charge light came on.  Uffta!!  It had been on earlier this fall and Denny had taken the pickup into the shop (when he was driving to Odebolt, the light had stopped stopped), but the shop could find nothing the matter with it.  So here we were on snowpacked heavily traveled interstate.  Uffta!!  There were lots of cars on the road.  I think all the cars that had not been able to travel yesterday with the storm ... and cars that were traveling yesterday and had to stop because of road conditions.  I would look back in the mirror and there was no end to cars AND BIG trucks that barreled on full speed ahead.  For a long while we followed a car with flashers on moving 30 miles an hour on the right hand icey snow packed side of the road with BIG truck passing at record breaking speeds.  Not fun.  This is Denny's account:

We made it home about 4.  Thank you Jesus.   Unloaded the vehicle, put away trailer, chilled in sunroom.  Thankful to be home safely. 

Sunday, November 25, 2018

A big snow storm

Up for devos.   The snow started about 9.  Some took the pickup into church, Torren, Haley and I stayed home and watched the rest of Monument.  They brought Casey's pizza for lunch.  :)  Kids scrapped off the driveway before the truck got home.  Watched more and more football.  and a Christmas movie.  After naps all of us went outside.   It was pretty blustery.  Denny tried to shore up Keelie's kennel.  Becky and kids started to put up the tree.  It's a pretty one.  Scalloped potatoes and ham and veggies for supper.  More football.  and a Christmas movie.  Before going to sleep Haley and I watched Madam Secretary.  The snow has stopped, but Haley's game tomorrow night is canceled,  Becky's work starts at 11 not 7 am, Interstates have been closed.   Lots of ufftas!

Saturday, November 24, 2018

Hanging out in Savannah

Devos, coffee, chill time in am.   Everyone likes new mugs.  Really chill time ALL day.  Kids took our flat tire to Savannah to get fixed before they headed into workout at the gym.  Dad and I had the tough job of watching Jack.  Of course, before we went anywhere we had a carpetball tourney.  We visited with Jensens outside during the games.   After lunch of leftovers, Cooks headed north for home.  Instead of naps, Torren watched part of the Monument with me and then we played carpetball.   It is going to snow tomorrow and so the plan is to be outside this afternoon.

Friday, November 23, 2018

Golden Family Friday

Quiet time in living room while some of the house slept and Becky put a roast on for supper and fixed egg burritos and smoothies for breakfast.  Also, Karen's fruit for breakfast.  I'm trying to remember yesterday's happenings ... but, really, ... it seems like all we did is was hang out and eat.  Great meals.  Lunch: Leftover soups, veggies, fruits, spinach artichoke dip. Supper: Crock pot seasoned pork roast with coleslaw, guacamole and chips. We watched the littles play.  Denny and I ordered a box for sending in some videos to get dvd'd.  Before Minn. Jo's left we celebrated Christmas with choosing gifts from Jensens.  So great to share a part of their world.  Denny and I drove to a tire shop to get new tires, but it was not open.  We watched The Elf and Addison's Jack rabbits BB game in Las Vegas before going to bed.

Thursday, November 22, 2018

Happy Thanksgiving with the family

BEST TIME OF THANKSGIVING:   Facetiming with the whole family. I am SO thankful to God.

I woke up around 6:30.  Wonderful quiet time in living room with Mo. Johnsons.   Becky had the turkey on.  Breakfast was hard boiled eggs, sliced avocados, and fruit.   We just chilled in the am, paying games, piano, and watching the littles.  So fun!  At about 10 outside we had a flag ceremony with the playing of the National Anthem and rising of the flag before the turkey trot.  The mower loop thru the pasture is about a half mile.  Wonderful meal: turkey, ham, gravy stuffing, party potatoes, green bean casserole, relishes from Mandy, pumpkin pie and pecan bars.   I took a nap, not knowing that some headed into St. Joe for sales.  Later Matt and I walked the pasture trail.  Mandy put cheese and crackers and leftovers for snacks during the kickball game.  It was moved into the barn for food during carpetball playing.  We all facetimed with Jensens before the littles went down for bed and Jensens headed to school.  SOOO good.  Miss them so much.   Haley, Mandy, Becky and I went to St. Joe for a little shopping.  At home, visit before heading to bed.  Thank you, Jesus.

Wednesday, November 21, 2018

Heading to Savannah

Nice am.  We got packed and ready to roll.  Good start about 10:38.   It was a non eventful trip UNTIL tire blow out about 23 miles from Matt's.  Uffta!!  Then when we got the spare on IT was flat.  But we had SO many things to be thankful for.  1.) the road had a good wide shoulder.  Not like some Mo. roads that have no shoulder.  2.) We had just passed a highway patrol guy who was stopped with another car (and we knew he was headed out way).   He helped find the hole to turn the spare tire down so it could be removed.  Then he assisted a hip replacement guy change the tire and put on the spare.   3.)  It was 58 degrees and NOT below freezing.  4.)  Matt was close enough to rescue us and take Denny to a tire shop and get a new tire.  When we got to Matt's, then rest were there.  Becky had chicken noodle and chili, Karen had veggies and fruit, I brought spinach dip.  A wonderful meal.   We had brought the carpetball materials on the 16 foot trailer and we started putting them together.  They got all three tables done.  Let the playing begin!  Amazing the noise 3 carpetball tables make.  

Tuesday, November 20, 2018

Full Day

I was up during the night, actually around 3:30, so I called Missy to make my day.  And it did.  Quite cra cra I am!  She was going thru her language flipcards and I was happy just to listen to her voice.  Back to bed and regular day started later.  OGT until 11.  I stopped at Dr. office, post office, grocery store and then I stopped at the school to visit Renae and let her select a gift.  So pretty.  Home for lunch and a nap.  Then I went to the CSA and started cleaning.  Denny and I went for a mile walk around Brad's hog unit and we stopped to visit with him for a while.  Back to cleaning CSA for me.  At night we watched The Voice and This is Us.  Good day!!

Monday, November 19, 2018

Happy Birthday, Haley Sweet Fifteen!!!

My oldest Grandchild is 15!!! How amazing!!  We love her so much and pray that God will be first in her life.  She adds joy to all those around her.  

I kept "not waking up" until all at once I thought it was 5:20 and it was 6:20.  Uffta!!  I had invited the neighbors for breakfast at 6:30.  It worked.  Denny made coffee and turned off the sausage so it didn't burn while I went to put on jeans.  So great to visit with Ken and Vickie.  They headed out about 7:15.  Denny went back to bed and I shuffled papers, which means I accomplished very little the rest of the morning.  We worked on putting the Christmas letter together.  I met Stephanie at 1 and we went to SC.  I got home about 6:00.  Nice supper and we watched The Voice.   Lord, I pray for marriages of friends.  Marriage is hard, but God will give strength .. and love ... and patience ... and wisdom ... and forgiveness ... and everything we stand in need of.  Thank you, Jesus, for the perfect work that you do in lives of those who truly seek Your will in their lives.

Sunday, November 18, 2018

Love SS Nursery!!!

There were 2 little darlings at the SS nursery this am.  I just watched and snapped pictures.  They entertained me.  So much fun!!!  In the afternoon I just hung out and fixed food for the Ingathering.
It was a great meal and time of giving thanks in the service afterwards.  $ 38,000.

I miss this every Sunday morning.

Saturday, November 17, 2018

Relax Everyday is Saturday

Short pm.  Slow am.  Coffee in robe.  Phone with sisters.   I took a ride to IG and picked up carpet at Carol's before heading to town.  Then to see Patty A. at the Pres. church to get some Stonecroft study books that they had.  At home Denny had all the boards for the carpetball loaded on the trailer.  Took a nap in afternoon.  Watched This is us in the evening.  Slow ... do ... nothing ... day.  SOOOOO nice.
Haley had 2 friends over to celebrate her birthday early.  Beautiful cookie cake by Becky!!!!

Friday, November 16, 2018

Fun with Friends ... So much to be thankful for

Up, cize, devos.  Headed to T's about 8:15, then down to Omaha.   We met Kathy at the GC church, toured the building and met her Grands.  Then we went to Lydia's home for a quick "Hi!" and "What a precious Lawson and Del!"  Lunch at First Watch and trip to Muhlhufs, then back to Kathy's for coffee.  What a sweet treasure of a time with 4 sisters in the Lord!   Time seems to fly ...and stand still when we are together.  Thru the years, tears, and cheers, we have stood on the promises of God.  I am so thankful for these women in my life.  The sun room was warm and inviting when I got home.   Out of guilt I called Jessica and had a good telephone talk with her.  I headed to bed ... BUT at midnight I realized ... I should not drink coffee at 3 in the afternoon.  Oh, well, it was a good time to get some reading done.  :)

Thursday, November 15, 2018

They call this warmer???? 48 degrees

Up and carried all the stuff from the car into the house.  I always seem to collect lots of stuff to transport.  Uffta!!  I just hung out in am.  My dahlia bulbs needs to have the dirt taken off them so Iput them in a little pool of warm water outside the front door.  Denny went to town and got some more lindseed oil.  At 2 I headed into study.  and UFFTA!! the "miles til empty" gauge said 23 as I drove home from church last night.  So, yes, I was tired and could just get gas Thursday when I was in IG.  When I got home the MTE gauge said 13.  So, yes, I was good.  It is only 8 miles to town.  As I drove the car on the gravel to IG the MTE guage said 6.  Uffta!!!  Then turning north on highway 59, the MTE gauge said 0!!!!!!!  6 miles left to go!!!  I sweated the rest of the drive into town (coasting down the hills) AND made it!!!  Thank you, Jesus!!!   Sure glad Denny had not taken the Prius into town to get supplies this am.  (I am sure you can guess why.)    :)  After study I came home and sprayed off the bulbs.  Uffta!!! What a mess.  AND I was bummed out because I let the gladiola bulbs that I dug up just freeze in the garden shed.  I could kick myself.  Life goes on ... Faith, be a better steward of all you have, please.  car, gas, and flowers.  UFFTA!!

Jean emailed that she is spending January and February at Four Seasons. 

Wednesday, November 14, 2018

Jack Day!! Hurray!!!

So good and comfy to spend the night in the basement bedroom.  Jack had gone back to sleep when they gave him a bottle around 6.  He slept until after 8.  Wonderful slow am.   He just toddles around and pulls stuff out.  EXCEPT when the roomba in operating.  Then he is so happy just to sit on my lap and observe.  Sandy O. came to visit.  She is excited for their trip to Sweden next Wednesday.  After Jack's nap I loaded him up for a time at G'mas.  Then off to parents night at Awana.  200 people there.  Denny did a slide/video clip of Nepal.  It was the featured "Go" area in the kids' Awana books.  It was REALLY good. (In my unprejudiced :) opinion.)

Tuesday Nov 13

Up, cize, devos, and at 7:20 I headed to OGT.
     The rest of the day I did "LIFE IS SHORT" activities. 
After sorting and packing clothes at OGT.  buy the shoes
I drove to Storm Lake  take the trip
I took a Subway sandwich into Mandy's clinic to share it for lunch. eat the cake
Then to Spencer take the trip
Shopped at Menards, Good will, Many Hands, and WalMart. buy the shoes
Ate hot fudge sundae at Mc Donalds eat the cake 
and watched Madam Secretary at Mc D's until 6.
Went to (crashed) Clay county Federated Garden club meeting.
Drove back to Cooks and spent the night there.
I was so spoiled today, just doing fun things I enjoy.

Monday, November 12, 2018

Literally chillin' at home

Up, cize, devos.  It looks chilly outside.  In my robe until noon, doin' nothin', Gotta love retirm'nt.  Some flakes are fallin'  We went to Kiron to get wood for 3 carpet ball tables.  :)  Denny started to cut some of the wood.  At 5ish we had 'bnber Ken for supper of orange chicken (from TJ's) and spring rolls.  At night we watched The Voice and looked outside at the chilly weather.

The fires in California are so sad........

Sunday, November 11, 2018

Headed home

I got up for devotions and woke Nancy so we could get to Daisy's and meet Todd and Julia for breakfast.  We went to their home and saw the remodeling that they have done.  At 11 I headed west.  What can I say ... 6 hours of highway 151 and 20.  Thank you Jesus for a safe trip.  'Twas good to get home to Denny.

The panda was a gift from Nancy after Hope picked it out of 50 other stuffed animals.