Wednesday, November 14, 2018

Jack Day!! Hurray!!!

So good and comfy to spend the night in the basement bedroom.  Jack had gone back to sleep when they gave him a bottle around 6.  He slept until after 8.  Wonderful slow am.   He just toddles around and pulls stuff out.  EXCEPT when the roomba in operating.  Then he is so happy just to sit on my lap and observe.  Sandy O. came to visit.  She is excited for their trip to Sweden next Wednesday.  After Jack's nap I loaded him up for a time at G'mas.  Then off to parents night at Awana.  200 people there.  Denny did a slide/video clip of Nepal.  It was the featured "Go" area in the kids' Awana books.  It was REALLY good. (In my unprejudiced :) opinion.)

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