Tuesday, November 20, 2018

Full Day

I was up during the night, actually around 3:30, so I called Missy to make my day.  And it did.  Quite cra cra I am!  She was going thru her language flipcards and I was happy just to listen to her voice.  Back to bed and regular day started later.  OGT until 11.  I stopped at Dr. office, post office, grocery store and then I stopped at the school to visit Renae and let her select a gift.  So pretty.  Home for lunch and a nap.  Then I went to the CSA and started cleaning.  Denny and I went for a mile walk around Brad's hog unit and we stopped to visit with him for a while.  Back to cleaning CSA for me.  At night we watched The Voice and This is Us.  Good day!!

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