Thursday, February 7, 2019

Bill's roof goes on

Walked early am.  45 minutes and walked the last 20 minutes with Gail.  Now I was missing my little gal this am.  First time in a week that I haven't spent the first 2 hours of the day with her.  Then Luke and Karen sent the snowy picture of her.   Uffta!!  It makes the chilly 50 degree day here tomorrow look like a heat wave.  In am I moved stuff around in the closet.  I remembered about pickleball at 9 and headed down there.  Denny went to help Bill with putting the roof on his garage.  There were 10 of us ladies for Bible study: Julie M. Julie D, Sharon, Kay, Wendy, Barbara, Mert, Becky, Hilda.   After study I went to Bill's, most of the roof is on.  Yoga was at 4.  Denny grilled wonderful pork chops that Nancy had gotten on sale: 4 chops that only cost $3.17.  So good. I played ponytail after supper and at home we watched Top Chef.

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