Sunday, February 10, 2019

Sunny Day .... YES

Well, I was just happy to be able to be out in the sun after church.  I walked in the am and it was still chilly enough for a fleece and coat.  After devos I went back to bed until 8.  An ambulance came in the park about 5 am.  A neighbor had fallen and they took him to the er/hospital.  Missy texted today and said that I letter I had sent about January 10th got to them about a month later.  :)  After church I listened to a book on the computer.  Denny washed the car.  At 5 there was pickleball.  Denny picked me up about 5:30 to go to a concert at church.   YUP today I realized I had not greeted Anabel on my blog on her birthday.  Matt, you are not the only one I forgot.  Uffta!!

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