Sunday, February 24, 2019

Port of Brownsville tour

Up, Devo, work on blog, out to trudge, back to bed.  At 8 we went to SPI to get on a Port of Brownsville 5 hour tour.  It was so fun, lots of good food and information.  Nice to just watch and visit with people from the park.  We went to the beach after the boat ride; Denny slept in the warm Prius, I lay down on the beach and watched people.  It was a chilly 60 degrees, but so much nicer than in Iowa.   Mandy had Eli and Anna P. stranded at their home.  At night I went to Trivia.  AND was on the second place team.  AMAZING!!! Jean,Me,Gail,Leann and Fred from lot 3.

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