Tuesday, February 26, 2019

Sisters get together

Up and trudged 45 minutes.  Then gave our new house guest a walk.  Desi did her job.  It's a rainy early am, but hopefully the drips will stop by 9:30.  And they did.  We had 17 sisters here for a salad lunch at 11.  Us 5,    Linda,Nancy,Sally,   Janet, Nel    Gloria, Dawn    Fay, Aline   Donna, Gail   Karen,(without Leann)  We had Nancy's amazing salad, Bread and GS cookies from Gail, Pea pickers, Rchata and cleanup Jean / Jane.  AND much laughter and visiting.  Nice time.  They took miniflower bunches with them.   I used Gail's 2 new beach coverups that she got when we were thrifting and 8 of her navy plates.  I took a nap in hammock in afternoon.  At 5:30 we went to Pier 19 for supper.  Our 7 plus Fay and Jerry.  Gail and Bruce set it up.

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