Monday, February 25, 2019

Happy birthday to me!!!

Up and walking my 45 minutes.  I started devos in the hammock and then got a great phone call from Jensens.  It was so good to hear from them.  I went to pickleball next.  At 10:30 Jane, Jean, and Julie went to the mall.  Julie and I went to the movie, Run the Race.  It was really good.  At home, Denny was cleaning.  I sprayed off the dock.  Jean, Jane and Gail were going thrifting and so I joined them.  Before potluck we went to Jean's deck and visited.  Potluck at 6.  I left early and picked some Texas bluebells and dill weed.  Denny picked out music for tomorrow.  I put together tiny arrangements for tomorrow.

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