Friday, August 16, 2019

A TJ day ... as in Tyler Jack Day

So fun!!!!!  I had thought I might not go to water exercise today, but I was awake, so that was first on the agenda.  In Cherokee Jack was up and getting ready to ride to daycare with his dad.  Mostly all day I just held baby Tyler.  He ate, then slept.  Mandy is doing great.  She said she was in pain when I got there, but by noon she told Jason she was feeling good.  Hurrah for antibiotics finally helping after 2-3 days.  We got a few things started on her list: list gifts received, write a few thank you notes, polish kitchen floors, wash white baby blankets, fold clothes, sort away maternity clothes.  Jan came to visit right before Mandy went down for her afternoon nap.  Tyler is a good eater and sleeper.  AND he sleeps well when I was holding him.  And that was quite a while I spent holding that sweet baby boy. SO NICE!!  When I got home Denny had cleaned the house really well.  In his words,  he likes to have it clean and nice for people that her really cares about who are coming to visit.  Brushes, Schrums, home school families, OGT volunteers.  We talked to Bill and Kathy.  It was a treat.
So much to be thankful for.

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