Saturday, August 24, 2019

Jean and Arlan came

Up for a great breakfast on the deck.  It's a great way to start a day.  I finished putting together the 12 vases for the Haiti fundraiser.  I texted Tiffany at Selections to make some 5x7 enlargements for the Clay county fair.  Denny took the bobcat and pulled out some posts across the road.  He got it stuck, so I was a big help not pulling it out with the pickup, but driving the bobcat when Denny hooked up the tractor and getting the bobcat out.  I picked flowers and took to Maryann before going with the vases to Prairie Pedlar.  At home Jean and Arlan came about 4.  SO good to visit on the patio, play carpet ball, sit in front of a bonfire and have pork chops that Denny grilled for supper.  Great night.

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