Sunday, August 11, 2019

Seemed like a really long trip home

Slept in until after 8 when I heard Rose's sweet voice.  Becky had left earlier with 3 kids and was stopping at her brother Scott's for breakfast.  Matt is working in Minneapolis Monday thru Wednesday and so he was traveling with Luke's family north.  Luke took what he found in the refrigerator (eggs, cheese, and Mexican leftovers) and made a great breakfast.  We packed up and left about 10:45.  Home about 5 with 3 stops on the way.  Very good Christmas gift to me.  Good to spend time with my boys and families.  At home Denny set up the item he got at Best Buy.  AND searched for the lap top to determine how to install and then respond to airbnb.  The outside lines from the sistern are dry so we can contact Barry to figure out how to shut off the water to across the road.  Lincoln got a quilt from G'Aunt Gail.  Beautiful.  Jensens sent a video of their home in N.

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